We can ship to valid street addresses in the contiguous 48 states. Most products ship within 3-5 days of the accepted order. Transit times will vary depending on your location. Shipping cost will be noted or included in your shopping cart for you to review prior to check out. All items we sell have the option to be picked up in store by appointment for no charge.
Furniture Items
We do not ship furniture items due to the fact that many items are made from reclaimed wood and each item has its own unique characteristics. We require you visit the store to make your selections
Smaller Packed Items
Smaller items, listed for sell on our website will be shipped via parcel carriers such as UPS, FedEx, Speedy Delivery, USPS, etc. Please also note that the shipping rates for most items we sell are based on the total transaction value of purchased items.
Gift Cards
Gift Cards ship free of charge via U.S Postal Service First Class Mail arriving in 5-7 business days. Gift Cards Exceeding $100 will ship via UPS or FedEx to a street address.